Raising an invoice using the Okappy API

Okappy is a B2B workforce management platform consisting of companies, employees and devices.  Companies can connect to customers, subcontractors and employees. Add jobs and then assign those jobs to an employee or subcontractor. You can also raise invoices to your customers or receive invoices from your subcontractors.

To raise an invoice using the Okappy API, follow the instructions below.


First you will need to get an up to date authentication token.  For further information see authenticating with Okappy.

Raising an invoice

Raise an invoice using the following endpoint.

POST /invoices


Header Content
Authorize Bearer token

The token should be a string taken from the “access_token” field of a response to an authorise request.


No parameters

Body data

The following table lists the fields that may be present in the body data:

Name Content Required
connectTo The customer ID of the invoicee Yes
customerReference No
materialsCostDescription No
labourCostDescription No
otherCostDescription No
taxDate The date of the invoice, in the format yyyy-mm-dd h:mm Yes
materialsCost No
labourCost No
otherCost No
netAmountCustomer The total net amount of the invoice Yes
invoiceType “raised” or “draft” Yes
companyName The name of the company being invoiced No
invoiceAddress The address of the invoicee No
vatAmount The VAT amount of the invoice Yes
deduction Any deduction for CIS No
invoiceItems An array of items.

See table below for item fields



Invoice items

If an array of invoice items is included in the body data, these are the fields may be included in each item.

Name Content Required
item Item name Yes
description A description of the item Yes
quantity The number of items Yes
unitPrice The net price per item Yes
discount Amount discounted (Usually CIS) No
vat VAT amount Yes
netAmount net amount Yes
vatReverse True if the item may be considered DRC No
itemCode A short code No


Code Description
200 Operation successful
204 No data returned
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorised
415 Data sent in wrong format (should be JSON)
429 Too many requests in a short period of time (please try again later)