Creating a connection using the Okappy API

Okappy is a B2B market network consisting of companies, employees and devices.  Companies can connect to each other in a customer, subcontractor relationship.

Employees and devices are part of a company.

To create a connection using the Okappy API, follow the instructions below


First you will need to get an up to date authentication token.  For further information see authenticating with Okappy.

Creating a connection

Add a connection to an account using the following endpoint.

POST /connections

Note: You can send an invite by email to your connection.


Header Content
Authorize Bearer token

The token should be a string taken from the “access_token” field of a response to an authorise request.


No parameters

Body data

The body data of the request should contain a JSON object with the following basic structure:

"firstName" : "Joe",
"lastName" : "Bloggs",
"companyName" : "New company",
"email" : "",
"contactPhone" : "020709980000"

The following table lists the fields that may be present in the body data:

Name Content Required
email The email address of the connection Yes
firstName First name of a contact at the connection* No
lastName Last name of a contact at the connection* No
companyName Company name* No
address1 First line of the connection’s address No
address2 Second line of the connection’s address No
address3 Third line of the connection’s address No
Town The connection’s town No
Postcode The connection’s postcode No
Country The connection’s country No
contactPhone A telephone number for the connection No
contactMobile A mobile telephone number for the connection No

Note: The first name, last name and company name are not required fields. However, if they are left blank, it could make it hard so see which connection is which.


Code Description
200 Operation successful
204 No data returned
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorised
415 Data sent in wrong format (should be JSON)
429 Too many requests in a short period of time (please try again later)