Creating a report showing jobs done by subcontractor

To view jobs done by an employee over a period,

  • Select Reports,
  • Jobs and then Jobs for subcontractor.
  • Select the time period to cover when the job was completed,
  • Choose the subcontractor, and
  • Click Generate report.
Generate Jobs For Subcontractor

Generate Jobs For Subcontractor

This will generate a report showing the date the job was completed, the job reference, job type, subcontractor, address and job description.

You can sort any of the columns in the report or use the filter to find a particular row.

Completed Jobs For Subcontractor

Completed Jobs For Subcontractor

Export your jobs done by subcontractor report

You can export your report to Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets where you can further manipulate the data, create charts and graphs or even generate beautiful dashboards which show your key metrics as they change over time.

Exporting Jobs For Subcontractor to Excel

Exporting Jobs For Subcontractor to Excel

Exporting Jobs For Subcontractor to Google Sheets

Exporting Jobs For Subcontractor to Google Sheets

Share your report

You can share your report by email to colleagues or your customer by clicking the email icon ( Email report ) at the top of the report.

Send Report By Email

For further information

To find out about other reports, check out our Help and Support page or find out more about Okappy Job Management and how it can benefit your business.