Uploading multiple jobs

If you have lots of jobs to upload, or if you want to import jobs from another workforce management system. Then you can do this via our job upload function.

To upload multiple jobs from a spreadsheet. Within Okappy,

  • Go to the Jobs screen
  • Click Job options
  • Click Upload jobs

Job options - upload jobs

  • If you haven’t uploaded jobs previously, first download the example template.

Job upload modal

Populating the template

To add your jobs to the upload file, open the template file and populate each column with the relevant job information

  • RequiredBy is a mandatory field and should be in custom format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
  • The following fields are optional (the maximum number of characters for each field is shown in brackets)
    • Job type should match one of your jobs in the drop down job type menu (found when adding single jobs)
    • Customer
    • Customer reference (25)
    • Created by – (100)
    • Description (5,000)
    • Name (50)
    • Address1 (255)
    • Address2 (255)
    • Address3 (255)
    • Telephone (16)
    • Mobile (16)
    • Phone 2 (16)
    • Priority (10)
    • Large field 1 (65k)
    • Large field 2 (65k)
    • Medium field 1 (255)
    • Medium field 2 (100)
    • Medium field 3 (100)
    • Medium field 4 (100)
    • Medium field 5 (100)
    • Medium field 6 (100)
    • Medium field 7 (100)
    • Medium field 8 (100)
    • Small field 1 (20)
    • Small field 2 (20)
    • Small field 3 (20)
    • Small field 4 (50)
    • Small field 5 (50)
    • Asset (255)

Once you are happy with the file, save it, close it and then either drag and drop into the Job upload window or click Browse to select the file on your computer.

Click Done to start uploading your jobs.


  • Please delete any notes in the template before uploading your jobs
  • Up to 100 jobs can be uploaded at a time
  • Each column maps to an available field in your job template. You can view the fields by selecting a job template, clicking a field and viewing the field type drop down in the field settings

Job template fields

  • Replace row 2 onwards with the jobs that you want to upload
  • Please do not delete columns, add columns or change the order of the columns. (You can hide columns, this won’t affect the upload)
  • The information in each column with the exception of the RequiredBy column is optional, if there is no information entered into a cell, then it will be left blank or default information will be used
  • Please ensure the RequiredBy column includes a date and time with custom field format of dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
  • If no customer is entered, your company will be shown as the customer for the job
  • If a customer name is included in column C, please ensure it exactly matches the customer name of one of your customers shown in the connections screen. If there are any typos or additional spaces, particularly at the start or end of the name, the correct customer might not be chosen
  • If no job type is entered in column B, the default job type will be chosen. If you do enter a job type, please ensure it exactly matches the name of one of your job templates in order for the correct job type to be selected
  • If no job type is entered in column B, the default job type will be chosen. If you do enter a job type, please ensure it exactly matches the name of one of your job templates in order for the correct job type to be selected
  • Once you have added your jobs, please close the spreadsheet before uploading

Using Google Sheets or Apple Numbers

If you don’t have Microsoft Excel, you can create your jobs in another spreadsheet such as Google sheets or Apple Numbers and then export the file to xlsx format.

Once in xlsx format you can upload as above.

For further information, check out this forum post.


If the incorrect customer is being selected, this is generally because either there hasn’t been a customer set up yet with that customer name  For more information on setting up a customer, see Connecting to customers and subcontractors.

It could also be due to the incorrect spelling or additional spaces in the customer name column of the spreadsheet. Please check the customer name in the spreadsheet especially when pasting information from the other sources and then try the upload again.

Please ensure the cells in the RequiredBy column include a date and time and that the cell format is set to; custom field with formatting dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

Please ensure the cell type format is text for the telephone numbers.

You can change the format by selecting Format from the toolbar and then selecting Cells. In the number field, choose Text.

Please ensure the job type in the job type column exactly matches the name of one of your job templates including any spaces.

Note: When you edit you templates, a new version will be saved. In order to ensure the upload picks up the correct version, we advise to change the template name once it is finalised and ensure that what is in the spreadsheet matches that finalised version.

This can be caused when the spreadsheet is open. Please close the spreadsheet first and then select the file / drag and drop it into the job upload window.