Subcontractors report

Keeping track of your subcontractors is key for any business. Okappy’s simple CRM functionality enables quick access to your subcontractors records. Our unique network means that are always up to date. But what if you want to download your list of subcontractors or export them to another application such as Mailchimp. We have you covered, run the subcontractors report to see all your subcontractors, easily find a specific subcontractors using the report filter or download your subcontractors to a file for easy upload to other packages

To generate a subcontractors report, follow the steps below.

Generate a subcontractors report

To generate a subcontractors report

  • Click Reports in the menu bar
  • Click Connections
  • Select Subcontractors

Subcontractor report

This will generate a report showing your customers. It includes

  • the subcontractors name,
  • account reference,
  • key contact,
  • telephone number,
  • mobile phone number,
  • website,
  • company address, and the
  • date the customer was created.

You can filter subcontractors by entering text into the search filter and download your subcontractors to Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Click the email icon to email the subcontractors list to a colleague.

Export your subcontractors

You can export your report to Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel where you can further manipulate the data, create charts and graphs or even generate beautiful dashboards which show your key metrics as they change over time.

Google Sheets - Subcontractors

Excel - Subcontractors

Share your report

You can share your report by email to colleagues or your customer by clicking the email icon ( Email report ) at the top of the report.

Send Report By Email

Further information

For further information about the reports you can generate from within Okappy, check the reports section of our support site.  Alternatively, check out the questions and answers in our forum.