Receiving connection invites

If your customer or subcontractor is using Okappy and they would like to invite you to their network, how do you get access?  Read on to find out how.

If you received an invite

If you received an invite from your connection, then clicking on it will take you into your Okappy dashboard.  From there you can change your password or add more employees.

For more information on adding employees, check out our support article add your employees.

If you lost your invite email

If you don’t believe you received an invite email or it was lost, you can check your details from the forgotten details page.

Enter your email and then click Get reset email

Note: Please check your spam or junk folders if you haven’t received the original invite or the reset email.

You will receive an email with a reset password button.  Click that to create a new password.

You can then log in with your email and new password from the top right of the page.

If no email was found, go back to the forgotten details page and click the provide further information link.

Account was set up with a different email

If the invite was sent to a colleague’s email rather than yours, then you will need to ask them to add you as a user.

For more information on adding users, see adding employees.

If you don’t know who the invite was sent to, or if they’re not still at your company then please contact us with your company details and email and request to be added to your company account.