Adding and viewing notes for your customers

Managing customer information efficiently is crucial for streamlining operations and ensuring clear communication. Okappy offers a user-friendly way to add and view notes specifically for your customers, enhancing collaboration and keeping records up to date.

Notes in Okappy are designed to be internal only, ensuring that sensitive or internal communications remain confidential within your team. Your customers do not have access to these notes, preserving the privacy and integrity of internal communications and operations.

If you do need to share information with your customers, Okappy offers the flexibility to add a visible notes field to your job template. This allows you to tailor the information shared with external parties directly through the job details.

For guidance on how to add a notes field to your job template, please visit our support article on Creating Job Templates.

This guide will walk you through the process of adding and viewing notes for customers on both the web platform and the mobile application for iOS and Android devices.

Adding Notes for a Customer on the Web Platform

  1. Navigate to the Connections screen by clicking the Connection icon (Connections icon) towards the top right of the screen.
  2. Select Customers from the dropdown menu to access your list of customers.
  3. Find the customer for whom you want to add a note and click Notes.
  4. Select New Note to add your note.

Viewing Notes for a Customer on the Web Platform

To view notes for a customer, follow the steps above but select View Notes instead of adding a new note.

Adding and Viewing Notes in the Mobile App (iOS and Android)

  1. Open the Okappy app and click on the Messages tab.
  2. Click the Connections icon (Connections icon) towards the top right of the screen.
  3. Select Customers to see your list of customers.
  4. Find your customer and click View Customer Notes to view existing notes.
  5. To add a note, click the plus (+) icon from within the notes screen.

This functionality allows you to keep all pertinent information regarding subcontractors in one accessible place, ensuring that you and your team can maintain up-to-date communication and records.

Whether you’re on the go or at the office, Okappy’s versatile platform adapts to your needs, facilitating seamless collaboration with customers.

See also