Have you arrived at a point where you are struggling to effectively complete admin work? Does this make it harder to manage other aspects of your business? Is your workload increasing whilst your employees and customers are unhappy? You’re not alone. It may seem like you’re struggling to stay afloat, but there are many business owners who find it difficult to effectively manage their business. However, many other companies have found an answer. There are many ways that you can improve the running of your business. In this day and age, better use of technology is often the main source for improvement.

Paper job sheets are a thing of the past

When tradesmen are out on a job, they have all the tools they need for the job. But they also often have to lug around admin files. This is unnecessary, it’s just extra baggage. If tradesmen were to have an interactive version of their job sheets, then they would not need to worry about completing paperwork or badgering clients for information.
It can take a great amount of time to fill out paper job sheets. Often engineers do not have the best handwriting, especially when they are trying to write on uneven surfaces or out in the cold. Add to the mix that the client may also want to add their own details to the sheet, then you can end up with paperwork which can be very hard to read. Let’s be honest, no one likes filling out seemingly meaningless forms.
At the end of day, or even the week, your workers will have to bring the job sheets back to the office. Depending on the tradesman these may return to the office in a jumbled pile, ruined or with key information missing. Your admin department will then have to spend time sorting out the information and entering the details onto the system. There are many occasions when handwriting can’t be read, this further prolongs the process. Your admin staff will likely have to phone up the engineer again and maybe even have to contact the client for information they’ve already provided. This not only causes a delay in processing the information, it also doesn’t look professional.

Electronic job sheets improve cohesion

By using electronic job sheets you will be able to update your information quickly and easily. And often straight after the job has been completed. The benefits of electronic sheets are numerous. Especially for tradesmen (like electricians and plumbers).
Your engineers can provide updates at the click of a button which means less missing information and less risk of miscommunications between you, your employees and your clients. It also means less copying of information from one piece of paper to another which saves time and can help ensure missed invoices are a thing of the past.
By having a customer database with all your job information filled out in real-time. If you ever need to find the details of what was done on a previous job, you can simply use your computer, laptop or iPhone to look on the relevant e-sheet. The relevant information is available with just a couple of clicks. This is much quicker for you and looks much more professional for your customers.
Your electronic job sheet can be shared across the business, meaning everyone can update and view the job sheet. If your tradesmen are out on a job, they can update the job sheet whilst on site or soon after the job is complete. Their update will be available instantly to the admin team in the office. No more ringing for job updates and no more chasing for the job sheets to be returned.
With all the job information readily available, this enables you to raise an invoice as soon as your job is complete. The sooner you can raise your invoice, the quicker you get paid. And with all the information readily available, this means less chance of disputes with your customers.

Find out more

Why don’t you take a look at our web and mobile based job management software which enables you to send and receive jobs and share the status of your jobs in real-time as they are updated by your engineers out in the field.
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