In the world of project management and subcontractor coordination, time efficiency and streamlined communication are crucial for success.

As directors in enterprise companies in facilities management and similar industries, you understand the challenges of managing subcontractors and the impact it can have on project timelines and relationships.

In this article, we will explore how optimising subcontractor management can save valuable time, improve productivity, and foster stronger relationships.

By implementing automated information gathering, utilising centralised communication hubs like Okappy, and nurturing collaborative environments, you can unlock time efficiency and create seamless communication channels for project success.

The Challenge: Chasing Subcontractors for Information

Coordinating with subcontractors often involves tedious tasks, such as manual follow-ups, lengthy email chains, and playing phone tag to gather necessary information. This process is highly inefficient, resulting in wasted time, project delays, and potential miscommunications. As directors, it is crucial to overcome these challenges to maximize productivity and ensure smooth project execution.

The Solution: Unlocking Time Efficiency and Seamless Communication

1.Automated Information Gathering

Implementing a streamlined system or platform that allows subcontractors to submit project updates, reports, and other relevant information electronically is key to saving time and eliminating constant follow-ups.

By automating the information gathering process, project managers can instantly access the required information, freeing up time for higher-value tasks and reducing administrative burdens.

2.Centralised Communication Hub

Utilise a centralised communication hub, such as Okappy’s field service management platform, to streamline communication and facilitate real-time collaboration.

By eliminating the back-and-forth of emails and consolidating all communications in one place, project managers can ensure that everyone involved has access to the most up-to-date information.

This reduces the need for manual follow-ups and promotes efficient decision-making.

3.Strengthened Relationships and Improved Productivity

Efficient subcontractor management processes not only save time but also foster stronger relationships with subcontractors.

Clear communication, timely information sharing, and reduced administrative burdens lead to improved productivity and a more collaborative working environment. By nurturing these relationships, directors can build trust and create a positive project culture.


Efficient subcontractor management is essential for saving time, improving productivity, and nurturing strong relationships.

By automating information gathering, utilising centralised communication platforms like Okappy, and optimising workflows, directors can unlock time efficiency and create seamless communication channels.

Embrace these solutions to avoid chasing subcontractors for information, streamline communication, and achieve greater success in project management.

Remember, optimising subcontractor management is the key to unlocking time efficiency and seamless collaboration in facilities management and related industries.

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