Then there was the one snowed under with work…Gary, the easygoing plumber. Imagine his delight when he wakes to see the glittering snow laden ground and he knows this can only mean one thing…chaos of a different kind: burst pipes.  Aha, one of his clever customers is on some national register for call outs, and passing lots of work his way.
So, its plumbing work with burst pipes day today, thinks Gary. This system he’s got hold of is what has really done it – no, not caused the snow and burst pipes but it’s just soooooooooo easy.
He can manage all these extra jobs as he can see the status of each job; jobs automatically get allocated to his relevant sub contractor, and texts automatically go out to his sub contractors notifying them of the job. Oh, and they go to the end customer on the morning of the job.
Relaxed, feeling-rich-at-the-thought, Gary, can see where any of his sub contractors are, if they’re stuck in snow and haven’t got to a particular job or delayed on the A road, B road, middle of nowhere road.
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