At Okappy, our aim is to make our customers lives easier. Our “Market Network” may be complex but we continually strive to make it simple and easy to use.
Whether that’s in the size and placing of buttons, easy access to help and support or even our company strap-line, we’re always keen to listen to your thoughts and suggestions.
We’re currently considering the best strap-line for our company, what makes the message clear and what best ensures our mission to eradicate paperwork and administration is heard.
Help us decide!!

Background to our Strap-line

The Okappy market network connects enables our customers to connect to their own customers and subcontractors, send and receive jobs and share the status of those jobs in real-time as they are updated by your engineer in the field.
Our mission is to make your working life easier, eradicate paperwork and reduce the need to constantly call your employees or subcontractors to find out what is going on with your jobs.
We want to sum this up in our strap-line and have come up with the following suggestions.

Suggested Strap-lines:

Okappy orange dot  Work, Simple
Okappy orange dot  No more paperwork
Okappy orange dot  Commu­nications, Simple
Okappy orange dot  Job manag­ement made easy
Okappy orange dot  Be Okappy at Work
Okappy orange dot  Work Okappy

Current results

So far we’ve had responses back from over 100 people.
Work, Simple was the most preferred with almost 30% preferring this strap-line.
Interestingly, men ranked Work, Simple and No More Paperwork highly whereas women preferred Communications, Simple with a quarter of all woman choosing this strap-line.
The most responses came from age groups 45-54, 40% of the total. This was closely followed by the 35-44 age group which accounted for 36% of the responses. The 55-64 age groups accounted for 25% of the responses.

What do you think?

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