With Google Sheets and Okappy, it’s really easy to create dashboards to show metrics such as
The number and types of jobs you’ve done.
Your latest customers
The revenue you’ve generated per customer
How many jobs and what types of jobs have been done for different customers
Average job value
Location of jobs
Revenue per month and how its grown
When customers are located
And many many more

Step by step guide to showing the number of jobs done for each of your customers

To create a chart showing the number of jobs done for each of your customers over a period.  Follow these steps:

  1. From within Okappy,
  2. Go to your Reports screen,
  3. Click the All Jobs Report,
  4. Choose a time period and click Generate report,
  5. Once the report has run, click the Google Sheets icon to get the google sheets formula,
  6. Click Copy formula (or copy it manually)
  7. Create a new google sheet.  You can type sheet.new in the your browsers address bar,
  8. Click a cell and paste the formula,
  9. Google Sheets will pull back the data from Okappy and display it in your spreadsheet,
  10. Select the cells which contain the data,
  11. Click Data and then Pivot table,
  12. Click New Sheet,
  13. In the Pivot table editor,
  14. Click Add next to rows and select Customer
  15. Click Add next to values and select ID and then change to Count
  16. Select the Pivot table which has been created
  17. Click Insert and then Chart
  18. In this case, choose a Doughnut chart

If you want to show the jobs added up to the current date, edit the formula you posted in step 8 above by replacing the date in the toDate with the following “&text(TODAY(),“dd-mm-yyyy hh:MM”)&”

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