Login attempts

Keeping track of system access can be difficult, but is increasingly important in this data security age. Use the Login attempts report to see who logged in, where they logged in from and whether they logged in ok or could not log in.

To generate login attempts report, follow the steps below.

Generate a login attempts report

To generate a login attempts report

  • Click Reports in the menu bar
  • Click Connections
  • Select Login attempts
  • Choose a time period
  • click the Generate report button

Login attempts report

This will generate a report showing login attempts over the period.

Login attempts report results

The report includes the date your employee attempted to log in, their name, where they were logging in and whether login was successful or not.

You can filter login attempts report results by entering text into the search filter.

Further information

For further information about the reports you can generate from within Okappy, check the reports section of our support site.  Alternatively, check out the questions and answers in our forum.