Filter jobs by job type or engineer in the calendar view

We’re always keen to hear from our customers. So when Oliver asked whether we could filter by Job Type in the Calendar view, we review the requirements and started implementing an update.

We realised that being able to filter by job type was particularly handy if you have a few different types of jobs (eg. plumbing, drainage, electrical jobs) with different engineers working on each type.

To filter your jobs, go to the Job Dashboard and click on the calendar icon (Calendar icon ) to view your jobs in the calendar view. You can view your jobs by month, week or day.

To filter your jobs by job type

Simply click the job type icon ( list icon ) and select the type of job you want to filter by as shown in the image below.

All the default job types will be available along with any of your own bespoke job types.

To filter your jobs by engineer

To filter your jobs by your engineer, simply click on the connections icon ( Orange icon showing users ) above the calendar.

You can then select from your list of engineers to filter the jobs for that engineer.

You can also assign a different highlight colour to each of your engineers, making it easy to view each of your engineers’ jobs.

You can edit the highlight colour from the connections page and then select the relevant employee. A quick link is available from the employee filter menu on the calendar page.

You can find out more about our job management here.