Changing the customer on an invoice (legacy invoicing functionality)

With Okappy, you can easily raise invoices from your jobs or create a miscellaneous invoice. But what if you’ve raised the invoice for the wrong customer and you need to change it.

To change the customer, you have a couple of different options depending on whether the invoice was originally created from a job and whether you want to keep that link.

Changing an invoice which does not need to be linked to a job

If the invoice was not created from a job, or it doesn’t matter whether the link is maintained.  Then you can change the customer on an invoice by simply creating a credit note to cancel the existing invoice and then raising a new miscellaneous invoice to the correct customer.

You can create the credit note and new invoice easily by copying the existing invoice.

See this post for step by step instructions on creating a credit note.


Changing the customer on an invoice which is linked to a job

If the invoice was created from a job with the wrong customer, and you want to maintain the link to the job. Then you also need to change the customer on the job.  To do this

  • First create a credit note to cancel the existing invoice, then
  • Go to the Jobs screen
  • Find your job.
  • If the job has not been archived, you can change the customer by clicking the three dots next to the job id and then selecting change customer (provided the job was not added by a connection)ChangeCustomerOnJob
  • If the job has been archived, first unarchive the job by
    • Clicking into the job details
    • Clicking the status dropdown and selecting unarchive
    • Clicking the Update job button
  • You can then change the customer by clicking on the customer name
  • Select the new customer from the pop up box, and
  • Click Update job
  • Click the back button to go back to your jobs list.
  • You can then raise another invoice from the job with the correct customer by clicking on the three dots next to the job and clicking Raise invoice

Note: You will get an alert saying an invoice has already been raised. This is fine, simply click create to raise a new invoice.Re-raise invoice to correct customer

You will now have three invoices. The original invoice with the incorrect customer, a credit note to cancel it and the new invoice to the correct customer.

Cancelled and corrected invoices