Read on to find out the 5 reasons why you benefit from inviting your connections.

As a market network, Okappy aims to combine the benefits of job management software with a social network and a walled marketplace. This means boosting your profile, improving communication and extending your reach to the market in order to help companies better manage their jobs. Inviting your connections to onboard with Okappy will help to streamline the chain of customers and subcontractors you are a part of. Your customers and subcontractors will likely already have their own system in place for managing jobs, however there are endless benefits of being a part of Okappy’s growing market network! We take a look at 5 reasons you should consider inviting your connections to Okappy.
1. Cuts Out Unnecessary Admin
Having multiple different job management systems in place within each company involved in a job leads to a certain amount of administration and duplication. This duplication escalates as more subcontractors are involved in each stage of the job and creates inefficiency in the network. If your customers and subcontractors are also on Okappy, the chance of administrative duties being duplicated by various parties will be reduced. When a job is sent and received, most of the details will have already been input onto Okappy. Overall, this looks like less work for you and further opportunities to streamline your wider operations.
2. Healthy transparency
Transparency improves trust and relationship between workers. A culture of healthy transparency will encourage an honest working environment where there are good levels of communication. If all your work contacts were using Okappy, all the necessary information you’d need for a given job or project would be right there. This way, there’s less of a chance for information to go missing and the history of a job is easier to trace. Each update that your engineer does is instantly visible to your customer, so there will be no more chasing up to see what’s been done!
We respect that you may have certain details that you won’t want to disclose to everyone. So that you don’t have to worry about giving any of your secrets away, the view that your customers see isn’t exactly the same as the details you see. Customers can only view their jobs assigned to you and not all your listed jobs. As the company you may want to hire a subcontractor for a specific job. When customers view the job they will only see that a job is assigned to the company they are paying, rather than the name of the exact employee or subcontractor.  Similarly, with the job type customer’s will only see “from connection” whereas, the company may set it to “job sheet” or else.
This difference also applies to when changes are made to jobs by clicking into the “view change log” button on the bottom right of the job details page. As the company, you will be able to view the name of the specific employee or subcontractor that has made the changes, whereas the customer will only be able to see that the job has been updated by their “connection.”
3.  Emails and Phone Calls
You will have less phone calls coming through and email threads to keep up with. This is because customers can log in and see instant updates from their engineers as they do the work.  They’ll be able to get the information they need themselves without having to email to ask for a copy of the job sheet and invoice. Okappy also has instant messaging features built in so you can directly contact your employees from your desktop rather than having to duplicate information in another messaging app on your phone. With improved transparency and access to information, the risk of misunderstandings occurring in the communication trail is dramatically reduced.
4. Speeds Up the Process
If your customers and subcontractors are also using Okappy, then communication between businesses is far quicker. If a customer sends you over a job, or if any updates are made, you will see it instantly. Contact details are kept up to date in real time. If a customer changes their contact details, this automatically changes for you as well, so no more sending information to the wrong place. This also works for the invoices. You’ll both get paid quicker, disputes are resolved sooner and no more “invoices lost in the post.”
As soon as information has been updated, it is accessible instantly on Okappy, so there’s no more time spent waiting to hear back! Improved communications, increased access to information and more transparency all work together to speed up your job management process.
5. Business Growth
Our aim is to help the best businesses revolutionise the way they work. The more links in the chain that are added to Okappy’s growing network, the more your processes will become streamlined. This means you will have more time to focus your energies on the areas of the business that really need attention from you!

Bonus reason – earn money

Invite your customers onto Okappy and you not only benefit from the reasons above, you can now also earn a referral bonus. Check out our referral page for more info.